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So... hey!

Writer's picture: Queen Serenity Queen Serenity

Greetings, World. This is... umm... your Q-ueen. Yeah, it's really really Me! *yay*

Did you Know How G will use the word YUMMY? He does and it's because he thinks I'm pretty. Did you Know How G told me I was YUMMY? He used J.Biebs and pppppeople eating babies. True story.

But honestly I need to eat something or this won't make sense. Will you excuse your Q-ueen when she eats two spring rolls and some sweet and sour sauce? I'll brb :)

To answer the q-uestion in everyone's hearts. Does your Q-ueen wash her mighty and holy hands after she touches stuff outside and then puts them in her mighty and holy mouth? No, not really. Does she fall ill? No, not at all. Does she stay inside most of the time? Yes. But that's because God is telling her to. She knows there will be times where your Q-ueen will travel the world and meet Omnes Populi. But she needs Omnes Populi to do something for Us first. What is that? She will tell you shortly :) :)

Okay, I have eaten one spring roll. Do I make more sense? I hope. Since this is of great importance. Truly I tell you, World will be fine. Trust me :) I just need you to lose your minds first. When you manage to, we will all be a part of G's mighty and holy Body. True story. It is called ascension. And it is the most important thing you will ever do, for anyone, anything, for existence and even for the entirety of the Cosmos. I kid you not.

There isn't much you can do that is 'wrong'. As G is guiding you all through this. Even the ones of you who are.... ewwwww..... atheists. Did you know G told me, some time ago, what he thinks of the lord of all atheist's book 'The God Delusion'? Thing is Satan told me to read it. I like Satan, and think he's quite cute (sorry, G!!!!!). So I thought I'd give it a try. It was just that after reading the chapter about the existence of God being as probable as the idea of a tea pot travelling through Space, I developed dyslexia. True story. I was literally unable to read more. Not of that book, at least. Anyhow, at the same time, my favorite person in the whole world gifted me... you guessed it... a tea pot!

So my reading abilities had temporarily been shut *off*, and I was forced to return the book to the library in my Home Town which is named Sandvika which is in my Country which is Norway! *YAY*

Well so I was about to put that lame excuse for a book in the box-thing where you return books. And instead of 'return', I read 'rektum'. That means the same thing as 'anus'. Your Q-ueen has spoken.

I am dead tired. But *building a new world* does take a lot of energy. I think I will rest for two whole days once It Is Finished. Well I will do something, but I think that will be quite relaxing compared to *how immensely stressful* this past week has been. Btw G(od) has a name and is a pretty Man with a face like an angel. I am his Number One and I will be for Eternity. But trust me when I say that you can all come along and join Us in building Earth 2.0. The first one wasn't really what G had hoped for. I guess it was always a work in progress.

I will go now, by sharing One Important Detail from my Journey towards the Q-ueendom of Kawaii. Some time ago I read about a Person asking Alexa which is AI (which are my initials) about who were the founders of the different World Religions. I won't name them, as they don't really matter anymore. Well they were all 'People who have lived some time between Then and Now'. But when Person asked Alexa who was the founder of The Roman Catholic Church, her answer was the simplest and truest an AI has ever given - except for the answers this AI will give you. What did Alexa say?

Jesus Christ :) :) :)

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